Well its about 4 weeks till Christmas, kind of dreading it well honestly I’m dreading it more and more each day. The Phoenix Chapel is all decorated with lights and Christmas Trees, a few of us were talking and decided that it would be better to pretend that its not Christmas and it would be easier to get through the Holidays. It’s pretty tough honestly, I’ve missed Thanksgiving, The Fourth, and even my own birthday but never have I missed a Christmas. Even missing Bayleigh open her presents will be so tough cause I could careless anymore about getting much I just want to see her open Dora or Barbie or whatever we get her.. I just dread it, so I think I’m gonna hide under a rock around the 23rd and come out on the 2nd of January.
Last week we took some backpacks and school supplies to our newest school (Aziz). This school is just a few months old and already filled with kids. There are 10 class rooms and still they have 3 more class rooms in the hallways. I gave out some Smarties while the LTC Yandell and SGM Barrett handed out the backpacks to the top 3 students in each class. After all the, “goodies” were gone we had a meeting with the Principle finding out the other needs of the school. I brought up the idea of getting a program to let the kids at Madill Middle School know exactly what it’s like in the Afghan Schools, and have some of the kids write up some essays and we could have them sent back to Madill. She thought this was an amazing idea and even though the kids are about to get out for their winter break for 2 months they would get them knocked out and back to me. So today we went back to Aziz and the kids were ready!! They had tons of banners, posters and letters for the kid’s back home, and back home Brenda Hix one of my teachers from middle school is getting school supplies and backpack for these kids over here. So we have a great project going on and hope it continues and all these kids get some much needed help and the kids back home get some “cultural learning”…
While I was looking through the papers and posters I came across one of the most perfect examples of why we are here and what we have done, here is what this wonderful little girl had to say. (Pardon the grammar but this is amazing English for an Afghan 6th Grader)
I am pleased on the arrival of the Coalition Forces in Afghanistan. Because five years ago I and my sisters all sisters of our country couldn’t go to school. The Taliban were controlling all of Afghanistan. They didn’t wanted the girls to go to school and study. And now that we can go to school we are proud for all our sisters. After the collapse of the Taliban we were studying in ruined school buildings and now we are thankful to the Coalition Forces for building us a new school to study. And now all student can study in this new building we become very happy when some help and serve us.
I was pretty amazed and shocked to say the least, what amazing and inspirational words from such a little girl. She should be a perfect example of why we’re here and why we need to stay here.